Toyoko Inn in Yatsushiro

JapanToyoko Inn


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4790-1 Kamihiokimachi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto 866-0824, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 965-31-1045
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.5188126, Longitude: 130.635419

kommentare 5

  • たぬきのぬぬた



    Conveniently located in front of the Shinkansen station. A rental car shop is also conveniently located next door. There is also a fair amount of parking available. Nearby restaurants close by 5pm. The only way to get dinner is to buy a bento box at a nearby supermarket or convenience store.

  • ぶいこう



    We serve curry at night. I have stayed at nearly 100 Toyoko Inns for work, but this was the first time since Higashihiroshima. I was happy to find the second location. I was told that it would be gone by 6pm, so I wonder if they are making less than in Higashihiroshima. I felt that. I also appreciate that the parking lot is free despite being in front of the station. Since it was an older type and didn't have a power source at the bedside, an extension cord was also provided. It was always a hassle to go to the front desk to borrow it. Extension cord installations are increasing.

  • Jacky Fung

    Jacky Fung


    Very good price and good service. Free for kid to stay.

  • Steven Pompei

    Steven Pompei


    Good rooms Hot meals on arrival was a good surprise as I arrived late. Traditional Japanese breakfast at all the Toyoko Inns i have stayed at the staff are very nice and will try very hard to speak English. Easy walk to JR station and the local line as well.

  • RYO N

    RYO N


    so good!

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