Toyohashi Muro Post Office i Toyohashi

JapanToyohashi Muro Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

2-1 Muronakamurachō, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8093, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 532-31-9542
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7501339, Longitude: 137.3590564

kommentar 5

  • T A

    T A


    Is he really that great? There is an old man who is rude to customers. We are not friends, even if I am younger than you. You should respond properly using honorific language. It was very unpleasant.

  • Sanney Vataro de Freitas

    Sanney Vataro de Freitas


    Cheguei na segunda as 11:00 e estava fechado!

  • mura 1967

    mura 1967


    If you drive by car, it's a little scary when you leave the parking lot! It's right at the intersection, so it's hard to get out unless you have someone kind to you!

  • 鈴木さん



    It's inconvenient because it's on the corner of an intersection and you can't enter from the opposite lane.

  • Traveler



    Murocho japan post office . Friendly staff and manager. Bank is close in 4pm but post office work is till 5pm and ATM also 5pm. Monday and Friday ATM is little bit busy.. And ATM is around 3pm stop for mentense im not much sure but i found so many times.

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