Toyama Nishi Post Office in Toyama

JapanToyama Nishi Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1602-10 Ikeda, Toyama, 930-0199, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-943-277
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.6774635, Longitude: 137.1266464

kommentare 5

  • style MD

    style MD


    If you send a mail with tracking to a mailbox in this area, registration will be extremely slow! I checked and compared collection times at other post offices in the prefecture, but they were by far the slowest! Also, the collection time may be more than 10 minutes earlier than stated (last collection of the day). Even if the item is collected, the registration will be sent to the next day. I once saw a person (in his 50s?) waiting in front of a certain mailbox until collection time (some people do accurate work). If you are in charge of shipping at a flea market, etc., you may need to be careful not to raise suspicions (especially if you post late when you should be able to collect the item).

  • M N

    M N


    Receive registered mail and use the counter on holidays. Well, it's late. It takes more than 5 minutes to handle one package. The customers are bad, but so are the staff. Confirm similar or same things over and over again. “Are there any breakable items?” → Look deeper and check. “There’s no spray in it, right?”→Omitted "Product name details" → omitted “Do you want to take out insurance?” → Senior: “That’s not covered.” → “Oh, excuse me.” → Customer: “By the way, how much should I pay?” → “Ah, yes, I’ll check.” ・・・ In the end, it took 15 minutes to clear out the three people in front of me. I showed them my license and signed it. Well, I don't really care because I only use it once every few years.

  • あす



    The person answering the phone made two or three points and couldn't get through the conversation. I'm tired of talking.

  • マッケンジー



    Even if the package has arrived at the store, there is no terminal input. It's as if it never arrived. It's the worst

  • N Mura

    N Mura


    Pick up the package you purchased online. I had unsubscribed from the internet early that morning, but I guess I didn't get it done in time, so it was taken out. When I told them that I wanted to receive it within the same day, they decided to do something about it, but if they couldn't make it in time, they would contact me by 3pm. It was a shame because I had to tune it out so I could receive it sooner. Since the delivery address was not my home, I feel like if it had already been delivered, I would have to go through the trouble twice... I am fully aware that it is difficult for delivery companies, but I wish them all the best.

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