Toyama Dental Clinic en Ota

JapónToyama Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

858-2 Higashikanaichō, Ota, Gunma 373-0022, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 276-40-2885
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3171302, Longitude: 139.3905556

comentarios 5

  • ゆず姫



    The teachers are very polite and kind. Both the female and male teachers are kind enough to scare the children.

  • m



    Reservations are preferred here. If you make a reservation, there is almost no waiting time. The waiting room is also nice and clean, and there is a space for children to play. The treatment area is in a private room, so you can receive treatment with peace of mind without worrying about other people watching you. They offer a wide range of services including teeth whitening, implants, and oral surgery.

  • piroaki



    I used the Ota City periodontal disease checkup ticket to inform them that I would like to have a checkup, and when I went there, I found out that they couldn't do the checkup, so I was asked if I would like to use my insurance for the checkup. I was persistently guided. On the contrary, I got angry, so please use the ticket this time and see a doctor if you have any problems. I told him so and had him examined, but he handed me a report sheet with no particular findings. As a result, three months later, the tooth decay started to hurt and I tried to make an appointment over the phone, but was told that the dentist was fully booked, so I went to another dentist. When you receive your results, we will send you a postcard with information about your medical examination in six months. However, eight months have passed and still no postcard has arrived. All I can say is that he is a useless dentist who wants to make money.

  • エメラルドë



    The dental hygienist's technique was poor, and when removing tartar, a large amount of blood came out from the gums. Even if you make a reservation, you will not be able to see the doctor if you are not in time for the final reception. Unable to respond flexibly. The receptionist makes you wait.

  • サーモン丼



    couple? He is also a very kind teacher. They listen carefully to your requests, and you can feel at ease as it is a private room.

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