Town Plaza Kanehide Furujima in Naha

JapanTown Plaza Kanehide Furujima



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-13-1 Furujima, Naha, Okinawa 902-0061, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 98-885-7563
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 26.230001, Longitude: 127.7039502

kommentare 5

  • roll sweets

    roll sweets


    I often buy bitter gourd bento and taco rice bento because they are cheap and delicious. Mozuku tempura and squid tempura are also delicious, so I often buy them (some days they don't have them, so when I find them, I buy them right away).

  • ちゃこふ



    An old man who appeared to be from a bread or side dish vendor was carrying a red box, and when I passed him, the stacked boxes were wobbling from side to side, showing no signs of getting close to the edge, and if I hadn't avoided him, I would have hit him. Do you want me to get hurt? Stores should consider the quality of the vendors they hire, and it was very unpleasant.

  • Shu Kawaguchi (Choux8Soutenable)

    Shu Kawaguchi (Choux8Soutenable)


    Close to the station, nothing notable otherwise.

  • Syouei



    They have a big parking lot.

  • Saori Kings

    Saori Kings


    The store is clean and feels better than before. However, I feel that the quality is inferior compared to other stores. However, I think the yellow curry is a good product that you won't find at other stores!

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