Total Workout Roppongi Hills w Minato-ku

JaponiaTotal Workout Roppongi Hills



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Japan, 〒106-0032 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Roppongi, 6 Chome−4−1 六本木ヒルズメトロハット/ハリウッドプラザ
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5414-1102
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.66129, Longitude: 139.73013

komentarze 5

  • Luke Sullivan

    Luke Sullivan


    Bad gym. I can't even trial it for free. Plus they make you have a personal training session in order to test the gym. Costing between 30-60 USD. I asked what about trialing a Pilates class? Unfortunately you cannot..silly gym. Avoid

  • Elliot Eaton

    Elliot Eaton


    Decent facility but severely overpriced for the quality. Quality of personal trainers is mediocre, I see then teaching a lot of bad habits to the trainees who are likely to injure themselves

  • Caroline Kim Robinson

    Caroline Kim Robinson


    Easy access from Mori tower. Lots of free weights, weight machines, and cardio machines. At 7 am, most clients are working with personal trainers. You get a locker and small towel on each visit. Large towels can be rented for ¥300. Locker room is pretty spacious with showers, hair dryers, etc.

  • Caroline Kim

    Caroline Kim


    Good basic gym with cardio and weight machines, free weights, kettlebells and more. The locker room is very clean, though a bit too warm for me. Small towels are free, and larger ones are available for ¥300. They also offer personal training, group classes, and foods, but I haven't tried any of these yet. Near the reception they have a small shop selling workout clothes (including Lululemon) and other gear.

  • Jordan Jarjoura

    Jordan Jarjoura


    equipment is good, but sometimes strangely close together. Waaaayyyy too many trainers not teaching good form. Then complain to you when you're not using the equipment in their way. Good mix of free weights and machines.

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