Toriko Honten i Minato City

JapanToriko Honten



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒107-0052 Tokyo, Minato City, Akasaka, 9-chōme−6−30 乃木坂プレース 1f
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6434-0448
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6668894, Longitude: 139.7282594

kommentar 5

  • Bow K. Techataveekijkul

    Bow K. Techataveekijkul


    Toriko Honten is a cozy spot known for its delicious grilled chicken. I love the modern ambiance here, and the best part? It's not too crowded! We made a reservation yesterday, and it wasn't fully booked today. We started with a set menu, but ended up ordering more because it was just that good! Interestingly, this restaurant used to have a branch in NYC that even earned a Michelin Plate, but unfortunately, it's now closed.

  • Teddy Tu (TT)

    Teddy Tu (TT)


    Great atmosphere, service, and food. Excellent combination of food and ambiance. Highly recommend and will return.

  • Risa



    Reasonable with good service and food. They have good wine selections if you are into wine. Perfect for couples and small group gatherings.

  • Lim Soon Sim

    Lim Soon Sim


    I came here after watching a YouTube video about the restaurant. They specialise in chicken yakitori. The food was very nicely cooked with cuts of chicken you wouldn't normally get in a western country. The staff are embarrassingly coutious and helpful. Although the food is cooked very well it is only lightly spiced so you can taste what you're eating. This may not be everyone's cup of tea.

  • Alex Liu

    Alex Liu


    Excellent yakitori. They grill everything right in front of you in full view. English menu available as well. Reservation wasn't needed during opening time, but it got much busier later on.

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