TORAYAHONPO CO.,LTD. Main Store/Akebono Store en Fukuyama

JapónTORAYAHONPO CO.,LTD. Main Store/Akebono Store



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1-chōme-11-18 Akebonochō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 721-0952, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 84-954-7455
sitio web:
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Latitude: 34.474495, Longitude: 133.3985126

comentarios 5

  • にょりこ



    A stop on a bus tour. It wasn't bad. There were some interesting sweets.

  • Queen of strawberry

    Queen of strawberry


    I was curious about Toraya Honpo's 400-year-old sweets series, so I ordered 3 types. ・Temari sushi style sweets Temari sushi that won the Souvenir Grand Prix Looks like an assortment of tuna and octopus sushi It also comes with chopsticks and soy sauce (the soy sauce is black sugar syrup). All eight types of sushi toppings are made with Japanese sweets ingredients such as homemade white bean paste, yokan, and lemon bean paste. The small size and the freshness of lemon makes it easy to eat. Even the shine of the sushi toppings has been beautifully reproduced 😌 Especially the texture of the squid was too realistic. ・Cream puff that looks like takoyaki This is really takoyaki lol The wooden boat and toothpick add even more realism. These cream puffs are individually hand-baked. The sauce is a secret chocolate sauce, The bonito flakes are thinly sliced ​​milk chocolate, and the green seaweed is matcha. It’s delicious🥰 ・Chocolate gyoza It's delicious to wrap red bean paste with raw chocolate in gyuhi. And it only looks like gyoza because it has grilled marks. The sauce is brown sugar syrup, but when you put it on a small plate, it just looks like gyoza sauce 🥟 The packaging seems to be the same one used in Chinese restaurants. All the sweets were cute and delicious, and I enjoyed them. The outer packaging is carefully designed and is perfect as a souvenir. There were a lot of other similar sweets, so I thought I'd conquer them all. Thank you for the meal🙏

  • 京子河原



    A Japanese sweets shop we visited on our bus tour. The signature Torayaki was delicious, but...I liked the Tomonoura Sakuratai Senbei!!!

  • クッパ



    I ate Torayaki from the famous and long-established Toraya! I enjoyed the moist and fluffy texture of the grilled tiger pattern. It is a lucky charm for the Year of the Tiger.

  • K T

    K T


    This is a familiar Japanese sweets shop in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture. It is often used as a standard souvenir in Fukuyama. In the summer, there are festivals for local children and Nagashi Somen (nagashi somen noodles), which the children enjoy. Tourist buses bound for Tomonoura also stay there, celebrities come on TV, and it's a lively place, and best of all, you can eat sweets and tea for free. The photos are of dogs associated with the New Year's Year of the Dog. Since the demons were outside, there were demon sweets available only for Setsubun. After all, it's fun to have Japanese events that coincide with seasonal festivals.

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