Tomobe SA (Inbound) i Kasama

JapanTomobe SA (Inbound)



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1059-6 Nagatoro, Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1712, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 296-77-8503
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.3102171, Longitude: 140.3424715

kommentar 5

  • Lucas Lui

    Lucas Lui


    Luxury and modern rest stop place in Mito Ibaraki. There is a Starbucks and a large food court as well as a souvenir shop and clean toilet. It is a service area worth stoping. Food court sells curries, ramen and Nokkedon. Also there is a smoking area and tons and tons of vending machines selling hot and cold drinks. The whole place looks like a department store on the ott it side

  • L Chan

    L Chan


    A popular rest stop to enjoy Ibaraki gourmet & souvenirs.

  • Paul Burke

    Paul Burke


    My favourite service area! Coffee shops including a large American chain, lots of souvenir snacks including Ibarakiss, dozens of vending machines, a gas station, a convenience store and restaurants for more cultured dining. Access is super easy and there is always parking available.

  • Ayesh Seneviratne

    Ayesh Seneviratne


    It was pleasant. Got a Starbucks and other modern facilities. It is not as big as other service areas you might find in Japan so food choices maybe limited. But definitely worth stopping if you need a break.

  • Ceco23



    It is big and convenient. There is Starbucks as well

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