Tombolo en Shinjuku-ku




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Japan, 〒162-0825 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Kagurazaka, 6 Chome−16
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3267-4538
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7032282, Longitude: 139.7371811

comentarios 5

  • 小野尾勝彦



    素晴らしき 神楽坂にあるコーヒー専門店 内装がシックで居心地がとてもよいです。 美味しいあんぱんを食す!

  • ja

    ryan rin


    店主さんが丁寧に入れてくれるコーヒー。 2種類のブレンドそれぞれいただきました。 香りが素晴らしい。 雑味が一切ないので苦味のコーヒーが好きな方は物足りないかも。

  • Sawanya Boonrawd

    Sawanya Boonrawd


    A little bit expensive for simply breakfast

  • Isagi Hakurai

    Isagi Hakurai


    ちょっと横道に逸れた場所にある古民家の雰囲気あるお店。コーヒーは中深煎りながらベストな抽出で提供され、スッキリと美味しいもの。 酸味がお好みの場合はキリマンジャロも良い。 落ち着く場所ですね。

  • Hakan Yerlikaya

    Hakan Yerlikaya


    The experience of the place was okay until the owner came and told us that we would need to move if it got crowded. We moved to another table and two Japanese ladies sat where we were after a little while. They were not told the same thing. The Coffee Latte was watery, and the herb tea was standard for the high prices. I would like it as an okay coffee shop to read if not for the unnecessary warnings. This is easily solved by putting a reserved sign to bigger tables or having someone seat you as you enter. I don't think it's a nice decorum to say this after taking one's order and bringing the drinks.

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