Tokyu Plaza Akasaka en Chiyoda-ku

JapónTokyu Plaza Akasaka



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2 Chome-14-3 Nagatachō, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 100-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3580-5877
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6772764, Longitude: 139.7374535

comentarios 5

  • Tatsuro Ogata

    Tatsuro Ogata


    Capacity of car parking here is really limited. The building is old, some restaurant is in here.

  • Friday Night Sake & Sashimi with Bad Billy

    Friday Night Sake & Sashimi with Bad Billy


    Awesomeness! Find this place if you can to try their fare.

  • Green Dam

    Green Dam


    Another very good place to shop. Nice variety of stores and easy to access.

  • Ankur Deka

    Ankur Deka


    It's a very nice hotel. In fact one of the finest I have taken till date. Though I am a student, so maybe my expectations and expenses are generally less. However, I still have stayed in many hotels and this one is very nice. Rooms are slightly small but that's the case with any/most hotels in Tokyo.

  • Irene Abraham

    Irene Abraham


    Stayed in the hotel for business. The hotel the office usually reserves was full due to cherry blossom season. Initially thought I wouldn't like it as I was on the 12th floor (which is under the banquet rooms) and an event was going on the evening I arrived. Though the event was over by 21h30, so sleep wasn't disturbed. The toiletries and supplies in the bathroom was nice. I didn't care for the options on the room service menu...and didn't feel comfortable to eat alone in the restaurants my first night involved buying dinner from the 7-11 on the ground floor. Overall though the rooms were clean and well maintained. The staff was attentive to the needs of guests.

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