Tokyo Teleport Station w Koto

JaponiaTokyo Teleport Station


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒135-0064 Tokyo, Koto, Aomi, 1 Chome−2
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3529-6009
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6275325, Longitude: 139.7788145

komentarze 5

  • Frank O'Carroll

    Frank O'Carroll


    This is a well-designed, airy underground station with wooden paneling as you descend or ascend the escalators. It serves a really fun tourist, shopping and dining and coastal park complex, and it handles the traffic levels well.

  • rekatours ID

    rekatours ID


    Clean and informatives. Easy for traveler to continue the trip. There are a view cafe and stall for stopping by.

  • Ilika Ghosh

    Ilika Ghosh


    This station is fairly less crowded than Shinjuku. Everything is well organized here. It is located at a very convenient place. You can move around the station and check out lovely views of Tokyo from the giant wheel. The station is very clean. The restrooms are very hygienic and nice. The direction signs are also very clear.

  • ハリムファイザル



    Toilet at this station is the best. Very clean for public toilet. More important is all washlet toilet. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • Golden Calavera

    Golden Calavera


    There are 2 things I like about this station: 1) The name. Teleport station? Straight out of Star Trek! 2)The exit escalator. I like how slowly brings you from the underground into that open space that is the square you find reminds me of the movie THX-1138. You can see the sky the whole time while going up on this long escalator. I just think is a cool effect. For the rest, standard station (wich in Tokyo means "good").

najbliższy stacja kolejowa

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