Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital in Bunkyo City

JapanTokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital



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3 Chome-18 Honkomagome, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0021, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3823-2101
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.729833, Longitude: 139.7564132

kommentare 5

  • 寛三 中村

    寛三 中村


    I saw the real name of my doctor listed in the post, so I would like to say a few words. I am indebted to Dr. Seyama, Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Medicine at Komagome Hospital. I heard that the surgery for bile duct cancer I had 10 years ago took 11 hours. I have lost 18 kg from about 70 kg, but I have continued to work since the surgery, and I have experienced the new coronavirus like most people, and I am currently doing follow-up checks every three months and am doing well. Thank you very much for being such a good teacher! Thank you! is.

  • さいおんじちづる



    Visited an otorhinolaryngologist for the first time Mr. O's response was wonderful. My husband went to about 8 different hospitals, where the pain continued and the cause was unknown, and wherever he went, he was dealing with administrative tasks and being sent around. I was given detailed explanations from beginning to end, how the treatment would be carried out on the spot, and an examination with a camera, making it the most reassuring hospital I have ever been to. I wish there were more good teachers like this.

  • Stefan “Ohayouaffe” Georgi

    Stefan “Ohayouaffe” Georgi


    Best Hospital in Tokyo

  • l p

    l p


    It's a huge hospital run by the city government. It's usually very crowded and there is a lot of waiting time. That being said, it's very clean and trusted. It also had a very inexpensive canteen (with healthy and balanced meals, of course) and a Lawson convenience store (with an ATM) at the 3rd floor.

  • Tommy Zhou (Tommy Zhou)

    Tommy Zhou (Tommy Zhou)


    You can get formal medical documents in English from this Hospital!

nächste Krankenhaus

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