Tokyo International Post Office i Koto City

JapanTokyo International Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-5-14 Shinsuna, Koto City, Tokyo 138-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 120-593-158
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6641542, Longitude: 139.8381175

kommentar 5

  • Christopher Leo

    Christopher Leo


    Very competent and kind staff. They spoke english fluently and were able to help me with all my problems.

  • 佐藤ドゥカティスタ



    Quality of Service is Pretty Good. Overseas Consignments are send from here be it EMS or Air Parcel. Now I know why Japan Post is one of the best postal service in the world. I do regularly buy anime merchandise and clothing from Japan. The level of Care and Customs documentation enclosed within the Package and Speedy Delivery across the Globe make it a good choice to sent Shipments from here. Wish I want to Visit Japan and send some stuff back home from here.

  • Anthony Murrell

    Anthony Murrell


    We are talking here, about an amazing destination. Plan your holidays, plan weddings, plan EVERYTHING around the Tokyo International Post Office. Love it so much that I've never been there and I never plan to visit but you absolutely should. This place takes up all my thoughts, all my fantasies, a ゆうびんきょくlike this will never miss a beat. We're talking 1-67 day delivery. Thank you, sincerely, for existing, Tokyo International Post Office. Anthony from Tokyo International Post Office. 🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣🏣

  • fastbike hardie

    fastbike hardie


    Very low quality of work can only ship very small size parcel run by old Japanese men who have no idea about customer service .The Jokeand shame of Japan.

  • Demetria Wood

    Demetria Wood


    Never stepped foot in here as I don’t live in Japan. But many of my packages from Japan are sent from here and they ship very quickly, everything is well packaged and my stuff is never lost. If I ever make my childhood dream of moving to Japan a reality, I will sending stuff home through this place.

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