Tokyo Central Youth Hostel in 新宿区

JapanTokyo Central Youth Hostel



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Japan, 〒162-0823 東京都新宿区Kaguragashi, 1, 神楽河岸1−1 セントラルプラザ 18階
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3235-1107
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.700821, Longitude: 139.743522

kommentare 5

  • Emily Bernier

    Emily Bernier


    It was clean, the facilities were nice, and it's located in a nice area

  • en

    Calvin Kwok


    Washrooms are excellent and toilets had maximum functions. Provided bedsheets and stuff are good for a hostel and they also have free cold and hot water. Showers are very nice.

  • 許美鳳



    Cheap. WiFi is slow. No WIFI in the room. Toilet and bathroom is far from the room. It’s not convenient.

  • David Magaña

    David Magaña


    Its really clean and Good service, the only bad thing Is it has curfew at 11, so you cant go out or in after

  • en

    Joseph Goh


    The rooms were spacious enough and airconditioning kept it cool. From my room, a large window allowed me to have a good view of the surrounding area from the 19th floor. The shower was convenient to use (albeit with a 200 yen charge for a towel if you didn't bring your own). Breakfast was not the most delicious nor the cheapest at 600 yen, but it was all you can eat. While Wi-Fi was available, it was unstable and I had to keep logging in regularly.

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