Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center w Urayasu

JaponiaTokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-4-32 Tōdaijima, Urayasu, Chiba 279-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 47-351-3101
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.671377, Longitude: 139.8936563

komentarze 5

  • famefa mefa

    famefa mefa



  • Madara buddhinie

    Madara buddhinie


    Don’t recommend this hospital for anyone who’s considering giving birth.I gave birth to my baby boy on March here and the experience was a nightmare. I had a hard labor due to 2 failed induction and labor not progressing as expected . My partner was not allowed to be with me so I had to go through it alone for 2 whole days. I was in so much pain and exhaustion, my doctor wasn’t giving any consideration to my wishes or what I had to say, she forced me to go natural when I pleaded her I couldn’t do it due to the immense exhaustion. Finally when I was 9cm dilated baby’s heart rate dropped which ended up in a emergency c-section. The nurses were very kind but I was really disappointed with the lady doctor who’s judgment kept putting me and my baby at risk.

  • Cp Simpeng

    Cp Simpeng


    This is not deserved even a star. In website, it said it could communicate with English but it is only Japanese available. I tried to call for appointment but they ignore just said no English, so it is difficult. No solution provided, just said and done. It is different from what I know about Japanese helpful culture, as expected. So disappointed!

  • acc4012



    It doesn't deserve even 1 star rating. This place is among hospitals that refused to accept an emergency case which led to fatality of a man in August. For my case, I was turned down 3 times in two months. -I Called for emergency of abdominal pain in early December. "We have no specialized doctor currently, please call to reservation center", although they know same day inspection is impossible with reservation system of this hospital. -But I called reservation center because I thought I can endure one or two days. "We have available slot next day. But you got a fever 7 days before, so you cannot come. Please find another hospital by yourself." Next day, the pain reduced without medicine so I stopped seeking for medical support. -Mid January, I called reservation center again, also for abdominal pain. New procedure applied. "Because you don't have introduction letter, first of all, go to nearby clinic". Is this an abused policy made by the women on the phone, because no statement like this was provided on website? Either yes or no, the management sucks.

  • arun javaa

    arun javaa


    Went to consult paediatrician. Doctor was kind and carefully listened and explained the problem. Diagnosed well. Staffs and hospital premises are also good. It is the only option near Ichikawa-Shi, Urayasu-Shi areas for paediatrician during emergency times !

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