
🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒100-0006 東京都千代田区Yūrakuchō, 1 Chome−2, 有楽町1丁目2-14 紫ビル B1
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3593-8300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.672433, Longitude: 139.759951

komentarze 5

  • Victor Gonzalez

    Victor Gonzalez


    This is one of the best bars to hit up in the Ginza and Yurakucho area. The bar has three locations and they are all on the basement 1st floor, so please keep that in mind if you have anyone with a wheelchair or leg injuries. They run on a ticket system where each ticket is 300 yen and every drink and snacks/appetizers are all 1 ticket each. Overall, for a ¥300 cocktail, they don't skimp out on the alcohol and the food selection is surprisingly great, especially the brochette! Highly recommended for lunch or late night drinks!

  • Betsy Kling

    Betsy Kling


    This bar is wonderful and the people are so friendly - staff and patrons! We made fast friends with both. There are many cocktails available, and the 300 bar rings true with each cocktail being 300 yen (approximately $3 American equivalent). Our favorites were the Long Island Iced Tea and the Godfather (whiskey and Disaron -sp?). This would easily be a spot to frequent.

  • en

    maya rose


    Everything is about 300 yen both food and beverages. At the door, purchase tickets, and when you're ready to order give your ticket at the bar. There are no chairs, this is a standing bar. They push for a foreign crowd, but the staff has poor English and do not communicate very well. Although there are some English speaking staff at times, if you're lucky. Get a free drink if you write a review for them on TripAdvisor (they can't read English). ****Note that this service is only for foreigners. The self proclaimed DJ's don't add to the hip environment they're trying to create. Poorly constructed, their unfortunate 'licensed' mojitos, bad music, unfriendly staff, I'm surprised if they get good reviews.

  • Alan Jiménez

    Alan Jiménez


    The place is nice and not expensive for being in Ginza area. There is a thing about the price of 300 yen. You need to buy 3 tickets for 1000 yen and you can get 3 drinks. It's not exactly 300 yen but it's really fine. Beer is not like other cheap places, and the music is fine if you like dancing and random comercial music. Good spot to have a good time.

  • en

    Simon Israel


    Had the best first night out in Tokyo I could possibly imagine. The drinks were great and the staff were even better, making sure my friend and I were having a good time. The one staff member even escorted us to a nearby ramen restaurant after we asked for a late night food suggestion. Overall 10/10 would go back there again!!!

najbliższy Bar

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