Tokunaga Dental Clinic i Munakata

JapanTokunaga Dental Clinic


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Japan, 〒811-4185 Fukuoka, Munakata, Akama Ekimae, 1-chōme−2−1 ライオンズマンション赤間
kontakter telefon: +81 940-35-3700
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8086143, Longitude: 130.5694883

kommentar 5

  • 田中秋



    There is a limit to inappropriateness! He is selfish and arrogant. Treatment is rough.

  • 23 take

    23 take


    I think the director is a great doctor, but it's terrible when a new doctor is in charge.

  • Tachtech



    This clinic is famous for its director's high level of treatment skills. I received excellent treatment for two teeth that several clinics had told me had no choice but to extract. Even after 5 years, there are no problems at all. Some patients may find the director difficult, but he is a very honest and trustworthy doctor. The reception staff are also courteous. It can't be helped that it's hard to get a reservation because it's so popular.

  • yamamotoyama k

    yamamotoyama k


  • 0212しぃ



    It's right in front of Akama Station. There were also about 8 parking spaces. It's easy to get to by train or car. The teacher is thorough in his explanations.

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