トキハインダストリー 春日浦フードスタジアム w Oita

Japoniaトキハインダストリー 春日浦フードスタジアム



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒870-0005 Oita, Ōji Kitamachi, 5−1 フレスポ春日浦 1階
kontakt telefon: +81 97-537-1155
strona internetowej: www.tokiwa-industry.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.2452401, Longitude: 131.5962794

komentarze 5

  • ラッキーちゃん



    There is a wide variety of side dishes and bento boxes. Whenever I go there for lunch, my eyes wander and I want to try different things.

  • ち


    I don't usually use this place, but I happened to stop by and it was a great deal on the day when they had a 10% discount! The cashier was also very kind, and even when my child said "toilet..." while paying, she said, "Okay, I'll leave it here for you!" which was very helpful! I've talked to a lot of people, so I think it's easy for elderly people to shop! I would like to use it again☆

  • セイちゃん



    Even though it was a busy time, I was treated with an irritated attitude, and even though I put the card requesting a bag in the cart, they didn't give me a bag. I totally understand how you feel frustrated when you're busy, but I think it's not normal for a working person to get angry at customers, so you should stop acting like that, auntie.

  • r O

    r O


    The female staff at the service counter (souvenir shop) are extremely rude. I often buy souvenirs there, but I felt so sick the other day that I thought I'd post. I told them that it was for a gift, so I would like it in a paper bag, but what? They said. Is it because I only bought one? I had purchased other items a few days ago and I told them that I would like to buy more. His attitude remained the same and he reluctantly agreed. The staff at Wasada Town are very courteous. I will never buy there again!

  • K M

    K M


    This is a supermarket next to Kasuga Shrine. It's an ordinary supermarket, but it seems to be one of the larger ones in the neighborhood. It looks like there used to be a baseball field there, and there was a space inside the supermarket to commemorate the baseball field.

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