Tokaku i Omuta




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Japan, 〒836-0046 Fukuoka, Omuta, Honmachi, 3-chōme−2−9
kontakter telefon: +81 944-54-3737
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Latitude: 33.031831, Longitude: 130.443683

kommentar 5

  • h o

    h o


    The zaru soba was chewy and delicious with the smooth noodles that are not common in Kyushu! I didn't really like tuna, but the pickled tuna here will definitely come back! ! For lunch, you can get a taste of the restaurant by eating a little bit at a time. The shaved ice is fluffy and has an elegant taste ♡ The milk pudding below? ? It was really delicious! !

  • 安川正男



    Arrived at 12:00, I was the second group waiting and was seated 30 minutes later. I order the sesame mackerel set meal, and the sesame mackerel, small side dish, and rice are served first, so I eat them. The sesame mackerel is usually delicious, and the simmered vegetables and soups are also elegant. Soba is 28? It was chewy and the tsuyu was strong, but the flavor was strong and exceeded my expectations.

  • あっきー



    I visited for lunch on a weekday in April 2024. There is a parking lot in front of the store. I arrived around 12:00 and was able to enter the store without waiting. This time I ordered the soba set meal (1,650 yen). First, small dishes such as salads, grilled fish, and stews are served. The salad dressing was delicious! ! Every small bowl was delicious. Next, the tempura comes freshly fried. The tempura is crispy and delicious. At the end, zaru soba comes out (I forgot to take a photo) It is well chilled and I think it will be delicious to eat in the coming season. You can get a medium portion for an additional 200 yen, but the food is served slowly, so you'll be quite full. Overall, all the dishes are delicious, and at 1,650 yen, it's a great value for such a large portion. One thing I'm curious about is that it took a little longer for the food to come out, from the small bowl to the tempura to the soba noodles to the dessert. That's about it.

  • 浩一増森



    I made a reservation for the Fugu Festival. The room was nice with a sunken kotatsu seat, but the baby's cries never stopped from the time we entered the room until we finished eating, which was just uncomfortable.I would have preferred a table seat.Even after eating the delicious food, I was tired. I wish the fried puffer fish had a thinner coating, but the hot pot puffer fish had more vegetables than meat.The small bowl, puffer fish sashimi, and rice porridge were delicious.

  • Milton Lim

    Milton Lim


    Excellent food and service. Had the soba set and nabe set, and it was definitely worth it. Good place to have a meal after visiting Greenland Park.

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