Tōhoku Rōsai Hospital in Sendai

JapanTōhoku Rōsai Hospital



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4-chōme-3-21 Dainohara, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0911, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-275-1111
webseite: www.tohokuh.johas.go.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2841862, Longitude: 140.8757765

kommentare 5

  • Clouser



    Everyone at the surgical department I worked with, including the receptionist, the doctor, the person in charge of each test, and the person at the admission consultation desk, were all very kind and courteous. I am scheduled to be hospitalized next month, but I have no worries or concerns. At the end, you will hand over your file to the person who has finished your examination and wait for payment, but if you leave it on the desk when no one is there, the automatic payment machine will complete the payment without you even being asked about your parking ticket. So I forgot about it and went back to the car. It was difficult to understand that I had to voluntarily bring my parking ticket to the counter at the end. If you hand out your file when the cashier is there, he will ask if you have a parking ticket.

  • 観音様



    The patient was referred by a private hospital to a dermatologist due to inflammation. Since the cause is unknown, I will try steroid ointment and plan to follow up in a week and see the doctor again. Just to be safe, they took 7 blood tests and found out that I was anemic, so they put me in bed and were kind to me. Everyone was very pleasant. Park in the first parking lot 🈵️ and the second 🅿️🚗 where the vocational school is located. Parking fees are now free by processing your parking ticket at the time of hospital payment.

  • ベルバウムセンチュリー(jthrjshrgmkt)



    I was referred to this clinic by the clinic where I first visited after falling on my way to work three years ago. Fracture of the proximal end of the left humerus. The doctor carefully explained the difference between surgery and internal fixation. I was admitted to the hospital the next day, and the nurse was very pleasant and gave detailed explanations, which eased my anxiety about the surgery under general anesthesia. Hospital food was very delicious. However, it came with three side dishes and was a bit large, but I thought this was because young men are often admitted to orthopedic surgery clinics. I was actually hospitalized for two nights and three days, but after the surgery I had a urinary catheter attached and was bedridden until the next morning, so when I complained of anxiety such as feeling light-headed, my discharge was postponed for one day. After being discharged from the hospital, rehabilitation began, and the occupational therapist explained things very carefully and stayed with me until I was satisfied. I went to rehab for 9 months. The shop had a wide variety of sweets and bread, and I bought something every time I went there. A delicious bakery shop was also selling food. I look forward to going to the hospital once a week. I am very grateful to all the outpatient doctors, nurses, and nurses in the ward for being such kind people.

  • SaintBread



    These people mean business!

  • Marcus Wallis

    Marcus Wallis


    I thought this hospital was really good. I required a CT scan as a precaution and arrived for treatment. It was extremely busy but the staff arranged for me speak with an English speaking doctor. Dr Miura’s English was excellent and he gave a calm and clear explanation of my situation.

nächste Krankenhaus

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