Tohoginko Uchigo Shiten en Iwaki

JapónTohoginko Uchigo Shiten



🕗 horarios

Akiyama-33-4 Uchigōtsuzuramachi, Iwaki, Fukushima 973-8403, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 246-26-1155
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.034434, Longitude: 140.856216

comentarios 5

  • Tumuひろ



    Request for expenses for the work done to deal with the recent flooding above the floor. I came here to transfer money. It's been a while since I came here crowded. I didn't expect it to be this crowded! It's a relief that I can now watch TV.

  • 小湊正仁



  • 宗方勝浩



    There is a waiting list for counter reception services. At ATMs, people often wait while working with 4 to 5 bankbooks in hand.

  • 笹錦



    Banks have become difficult to use, as things that used to be free are now charged, and fees have also increased. There may also be fees charged for deposits and withdrawals. If the interest rate on your savings goes down and the fees go up, you won't be able to bear it. Well, given the current situation where the number of users is decreasing, it is clear that they cannot survive unless they charge even a small amount of fees. If so, we should increase the number of ATMs. Currently, stock prices are high and I can continue investing, but I'm too scared to buy. I have a feeling that this will lead to inflation.

  • 唯信



    Toho Bank Uchigo Branch

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