Tobata Kyōritsu Hospital en Kitakyushu

JapónTobata Kyōritsu Hospital


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2-chōme-5-1 Sawami, Tobata Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 804-0093, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-871-5421
sitio web:
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Latitude: 33.8964436, Longitude: 130.8380909

comentarios 5

  • 北方啓子



    When I entered Tobata Kyoritsu Hospital, I felt like I had come back to my hometown. It's been a really long time. lol. Shohei Otani's red T-shirt is displayed on his forehead, and it looks nice. 😍 It gives you the strength to live. And my elderly mother's doctor has beautiful skin. The voice and tempo when explaining the images sticks in my head, like a Keith Jarrett piano piece. He's a very nice teacher. Nurses and caregivers are also working hard. ✌️ I am once again realizing how good Kyoritsu Hospital is. Thank you 😊

  • ジュリスベルデスパイネ



    The receptionist's phone support is the worst. When I asked if I could have a medical certificate prepared for my driver's license application, the person treated me in a very high-pressure and troublesome manner, and hung up on me before I could speak. I think the receptionist's telephone response is directly connected to the trust and reputation of the hospital. I think it would be better to improve it as soon as possible. At least I don't want to go to this hospital again.

  • a tsubaki

    a tsubaki


    During the consultation, the doctors and nurses were very nice, they were close to the patient and family, and the explanations were easy to understand, making me feel at ease, but the nurse at the endoscopy reception desk? The woman at the reception was very unfriendly and troublesome, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

  • 上川ケイ



    I have been in the hospital for about 5 years due to an incurable disease. Once, I was hospitalized for about a month, but the nurses were kind to me even though they were busy, and I felt at ease. The doctor explained everything thoroughly and respected my wishes as much as possible regarding the treatment plan. The facility was clean and the food was delicious. The food seems to be very well received in reviews from the hospital. Since it's a large hospital, there tends to be a long wait time, but you can rest assured that your care will be taken care of.

  • 海


    There is no hospital in my hometown that can thoroughly examine thoracic outlet syndrome, so I come from outside the prefecture and rely on this orthopedic surgeon. No matter when I visit, the doctors and nurses are very polite and kind. The condition is bad and complicated, and it will take some time to recover, but it is gradually getting better, and I feel very secure because I can get answers to my concerns one by one. He also gave me advice on specific rehabilitation methods that looked at the whole body, rather than just having surgery and examining only the painful area. I can see that they are truly thinking from the patient's perspective, which makes me want to do my best. When I was admitted to the hospital, all the staff were very kind, the food was delicious, and I had a comfortable stay.

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