鵜匠の家 すぎ山 in Gifu

Japan鵜匠の家 すぎ山


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73-1 Nagara, Gifu, 502-0071, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 58-231-0161
webseite: www.gifu-sugiyama.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.4407481, Longitude: 136.7779312

kommentare 5

  • Volodymyr H

    Volodymyr H


    Beautiful, large and well lit rooms. Super clean hotel with amazing food and very friendly and professional staff. The hotel rooms were great, with a touch of Japanese charm and all the comforts needed for a good rest. The staff were very kind and helpful during my stay. The hotel location is very convenient, close to Gifu Castle and other attractions. After a day of sightseeing, it was great to return to the hotel for a peaceful escape. The food at the hotel was delicious, with traditional Japanese dishes and some local specialties. They also served trout that was caught in the river. If you want a relaxing getaway with onsen enear Gifu Castle, this hotel is a good choice. I will be definitely go back.

  • Si Eian Lim

    Si Eian Lim


    It was a very enjoyable experience! Very friendly staff, clean and comfortable place, nice, large room, with great onsen and delicious food!

  • Scott Combs

    Scott Combs


    This was a nice place to relax on my birthday. I enjoyed the onsen bath they have that can be used by people that are not staying at the hotel. The cost was 1000 yen. It was so nice to have the whole bath to myself. The hotel staff were very nice and helpful. Great place by the river.

  • Kay MoMo

    Kay MoMo


    Nice Place, Good Service, Helpful Staff !

  • Michael Hofmann

    Michael Hofmann


    Did not stay at the hotel, but only enjoyed a dinner at the restaurant. The private room we booked was overlooking the river with the traditional ukai or cormorants fishing. The ten course dinner was an amazing mix of cold and warm Japanese dishes, including the sweet fish. Our server explained the ingredients with their local background, as well as the ukai. Unfortunately, the place feels a bit old and in need of a renovation.

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