The Prince Park Tower Tokyo w Minato City

JaponiaThe Prince Park Tower Tokyo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
4-chōme-8-1 Shibakōen, Minato City, Tokyo 105-8563, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5400-1111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.6552627, Longitude: 139.7470359

komentarze 5

  • Dave



    Definitely a luxury experience at the Prince Park hotel in an attractive park setting. We had a corner room facing the woods and tennis court nearby. There are beautiful views of the city and the Tokyo tower from the ā€œsky loungeā€ up on the 33rd, (top floor). The tower is very attractive when lit up at night. The bed was super comfortable, one of the best weā€™ve slept in at a hotel. We didnā€™t dine at the restaurants inside or use available amenities such as the gym or pool. As noted in other reviews, the hotel is somewhat dated, perhaps not quite a full 5 stars. There was a little bit of pink mold in the separate shower, but the rest of the bathroom was clean. Some street noise can be heard on the lower floors, but it was not a problem for us. We didnā€™t hear noise from adjoining rooms. The English speaking concierge service was excellent, and forwarding our luggage to our next destination was handled quickly and efficiently. Subway and train stations are walking distance nearby. There was always a waiting taxi at the hotel entrance which we also used, with attentive hotel guest services helping direct the taxi drivers to the guestā€™s destination. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the Prince Park Hotel. Highly recommended.

  • Marlon L

    Marlon L


    Large bedroom, automatic blinds, balcony, large bathroom with separate shower and bath. All the room amenities you could want, this hotel lives up to its 5 star reputation. Would highly recommend.

  • D Z

    D Z


    Avoid. If this is a 5 star hotel, then I'm the queen of England. Rooms are slightly above the quality of a motel, Cafe tries to rob you with 1300 yen coffees, AC seems to turn off the air around 2am. Walls are thin. Bathrooms makes a buzzing noise like your on a airplane. Nothing about this place is 5 stars except maybe the lobby and amount of restaurants in the building. Location is alright, next to a few tourist spots, but in a desert in terms of other food options. 5 star lobby, the rest is a solid 1-2.

  • Matt M

    Matt M


    For the premium price and supposed 5 star rating, this is honestly one of the worst hotels I have ever stayed in. To start with, the decor and rooms are out dated, itā€™s like going back in time to 1975. The hotel and decor resembles more a ā€˜5 starā€™ hotel in Pyongyang than a vibrant, modern Tokyo. The basic room is $600 per night and you have to pay an extra $300 per night to upgrade the room with a view. To use the pool and gym you have to pay an extra 5k Yen day rate. This is an absolute rip off and a disgrace to charge extra to use the facilities. Of all the hotels Iā€™ve stayed in never have I been charged extra to use the facilities. Weā€™ve stayed in 4 star hotels in Tokyo and Osaka all with a gym and all free to use as part of room rate and also considerable nicer. Worst still, there is an age restriction to use the pool. We booked this hotel so my 4 year old could use the pool. The booking site we booked it from didnā€™t say anything about the restrictions and yet she canā€™t use them. We took her to the bowling alley instead but once again had to pay extra to use this facility. As for the breakfast, we had to wait 45 mins for a sub par breakfast. The only thing good about this hotel is the location and the view, if you get it. Otherwise, do not waste your time and money staying in this rip off hotel.

  • Elena Alcalde

    Elena Alcalde


    The hotel is situated in a lovely area, conveniently close to key tourist attractions. We particularly enjoyed dining at the steak restaurant, which offered a fantastic experience. However, the hotel's decor feels somewhat outdated. While the room size was satisfactory, the furniture and bathroom fixtures appeared worn. Sound insulation between rooms was inadequate, as noise from neighbouring guests was EASILY audible. Breakfast was acceptable, though not exceptional, and early arrival is recommended to avoid waiting for a table. The staff were very pleasant and helpful. Given the hotel's pricing, I had higher expectations for a five-star establishment and may consider alternative accommodations for my next visit to Tokyo.

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