The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace w Chiyoda

JaponiaThe East Gardens of the Imperial Palace



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1-1 Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-8111, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3213-1111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6858593, Longitude: 139.7604131

komentarze 5

  • en

    Timah FAGER


    Very beautiful but you need to book a 1.5h guided your if you want to see the palace area. The East gardens are free to visit anytime and very pretty.

  • Savage Tosh

    Savage Tosh


    It's a huge space with lots of greenery around the area. However, nothing much to do other than walking around exploring the place, taking pictures and relaxing. A good spot to just relax there and disconnect from the outside world.

  • Pao Pakawas

    Pao Pakawas


    At first, I intended to go to the Imperial Palace, but I went to the wrong gate and missed the schedule for the tour. The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace was so attractive. There was a few people there. It was very peaceful place and I got a lot of photos without crowded tourists. I was so impressed and it was among of the most impressive place of the Tokyo trip. Here is the sample of tons of photos I got there. Recommended.

  • Kirill Rinne

    Kirill Rinne


    First historical place we visited during our trip. Even if none of old traditional castles like in Kyoto or Osaka survived to our days, there is still a lot of interesting things to see - guardian houses, old castle walls and of course the gardens - they really are something!!! You should join the guided tours arranged by local volunteers - that’s the best way to get interesting information about the site.

  • en



    The authentic centre of Japan, just like the Tiananmen Square in China. Although there is not anything historic, the scenery is satisfying. You can enjoy the cherry blossoms and lie on the grassland to gaze at the floating cloud. To my great surprise, there is not crowded at all. Surrounded by the populous area, this garden is a good place to enjoy the peace and relax. Many runners jog around the Imperial Palace.

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