The Crown Palais New Hankyu Kochi en Kochi

JapónThe Crown Palais New Hankyu Kochi



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Martesabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
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Sábadoabierto 24 horas
4-chōme-2-50 Honmachi, Kochi, 780-0870, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-873-1111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.558029, Longitude: 133.53373

comentarios 5

  • Joseph Williams

    Joseph Williams


    This hotel would be the peak of luxury, if it was still the 1990's. It definitely feels a little old. However, the room was very comfortable and large for a Japanese hotel. We didn't have a view at all from the room, but it was quiet and peaceful. The breakfast was awesome! I definitely recommend adding it to your stay. The parking was convenient and the parking attendant was very kind and helpful.

  • Coke Nip

    Coke Nip


    - Arranged smoking room to non smoking people. Complained but the room has been changed - old deco and interior environment and even the indoor facilities looked old

  • Karen Shimamoto (trijbits)

    Karen Shimamoto (trijbits)


    Premises look worn. Room curtains had tears and holes in them. Otherwise a comfortable enough place to stay overnight.

  • Michael



    PROS: breakfast and parking CONS: Rude staff, dirty rooms, aircons do not work, Y1000 a night parking VERDICT: literally stay anywhere else At first glance this place seems nice and fancy, but is FAR FROM IT. Honestly the only saving grace of this place is its location and decent breakfast. Right from check-in there were problems. First, one of the clerks glared at me the entire time I was checking in. When me and my friend got to our room we immediately noticed a big stain on the comforter and next to it mold or a darker stain. There was even mold on a lamp of all things. Obviously we complained immediately and when we did on of the clerks chuckled at our situation. We were thankfully given another room, which was bigger and without mold, BUT its aircon was out of order or just plain pointless as even on high the room was insufferably hot. Another issue was parking, which is Y1000 a night. For as much as you pay for this hotel you would think it is included. We also had another instance in rudeness where one of the valets yelled at our driver, and not in an attention getting way, but in a curt and inappropriate way. Like I said in the beginning the saving graces of this place was its location, which was right next to Kochi castle and practically in the heart of the city and a 5 min walk from Hirome market, and the breakfast, which is sometimes a course (which is very filling) or buffet style which had quite a selection. Overall, if you are not driving and really wanna be close to the castle, then I suppose give this place a try, otherwise don't waste you money...

  • Tsipporah Christopher

    Tsipporah Christopher


    Very warm rooms, the air conditioner doesn't work well at all. Also, there was some mold in my room and dirty sheets, so I had to change my room. They had a wonderful buffet and course meal for breakfast.

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