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1-chōme-9-5 Jōtōchō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0036, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 87-821-2222
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.345908, Longitude: 134.0580254

kommentar 5

  • 동우정



    I would like to know the email address where I can contact you Please give me your email address

  • Esther Sun

    Esther Sun


    Good price (JPY 3,980) for the "under construction single room price" which is not under construction actually, just a bit old that no renovation yet. It's near to the Kataharamachi Station (片原町駅) and Takamatsu Central Shopping Street, but I still have to find the map tho. The view is good as I was living in 8/F; Clean room, sufficient electricity and basic equipments.

  • Sim Bryce

    Sim Bryce


    Renamed as the Celecton, the lobby has perhaps had a refurb, but nothing else has. Once you can finally get in the elevator, which stays open for only a few seconds before snapping shut painfully on any appendage you may have in the vicinity of the doors at the time, you arrive on a floor in desperate need of a deep clean and a palpable wave of decades-old stale cigarette smoke. Your poky room offers little respite in terms of decor (chintzy polyester bedspreads in lurid shades, flat pink carpets, smelly curtains covering a view of carpark or brick walls), space (nowhere to put two suitcases, nowhere to sit except the beds, unless you want to sit at the desk/dressing table/only flat surface and stare at your own refection in the mirror), or comfort (a trip hazard entrance to the bathroom not much bigger than those in economy class on an aeroplane, one teabag apiece, one pillow each, half stuffed with barley or corn or some other kind of dried grass best found in breakfast cereal, an overstarched yukata in very small sizing). Be grateful for the office chair, however, as you will likely be spending a lot of time sitting in the corridor (or down in the lobby), if you want to access anything via the internet. Access from the corridor will still be exceedingly slow, but it is completely impossible from within your room. The local hotel network didn't even show up as an option on any of my devices, when I was in my room. There is a LAN connection in the room, but since we are now actually in the 21st century, I've stopped traveling with such luxuries. The bed (despite the pillow) is comfortable, and the shower pressure reasonable and the water hot, but this is not a room in which to linger. I'm sure there are worse rooms around, but I hope I don't have to experience them. I would give this only half a star if I could. Absolutely dreadful.

  • Waha Fung

    Waha Fung


    The room is quite old as there is only one socket for charging inside the room. Other parts are ok as the staffs are helpful. There is no English speaking staff at the reception at night, they can only speak simple English.

  • Jason Hung

    Jason Hung


    Very average town hotel. Nothing standing out. Free parking is a good plus.

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