The Café by Aman Tokyo in Chiyoda-ku

JapanThe Café by Aman Tokyo



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Japan, 〒100-0004 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Ōtemachi, 1-chōme−5−6 大手町タワ
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5224-3339
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6857251, Longitude: 139.7650355

kommentare 5

  • Azrol Qaiyyum

    Azrol Qaiyyum


    The Cafè have a good ambience. Perfect to chill and have coffee. The staff can converse in English to assist you. And the menu are also in English which is very helpful for non-Japanese. They even serve snacks when you order coffee. Sometimes this place may be full and need reservation. Walk-in is always possible but your time of stay may be limited.

  • Rémy Reyren

    Rémy Reyren


    Perfect place for an afternoon tea.

  • Stephanie L

    Stephanie L


    Unforgettable experience in the worst way possible! A group of friends came here to celebrate a special occasion and unfortunately we were all very dissaponted. The service was so horrible that all anyone could talk about after the party was how terrible it was and how it was completely uncalled for. We were told that we had to remain seated like school children when trying to take a picture, had our food and wine glasses taken before it was finished, a server that would not answer questions or check with the chef about ingredients due to food allergies and made us leave the restaurant when there was no one waiting and no other party coming. The experience was extremely unfortunate as the meal was delicious and the hotel was beautiful but I would not reccomend this restaurant because of the poor service. There are so many other great options in Tokyo to choose from especially in this higher price range.

  • Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez

    Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez


    Surrounded by nature brought a nostalgic feeling from my little home town in the south of Mexico. Get away from the buzz of the city and enjoy a mug of coffee with a delicious dessert. I wish you could stay longer when there are no other people waiting. Besides that the staff and the quality of the dishes makes it a hidden jewel in Tokyo. Perfect for a quite date!

  • Aijia Yan

    Aijia Yan


    Nice atmosphere and surroundings. The course menu for lunch/brunch has good selections. More of a french than Japanese. However, they are a little pushy on timing, you can't stay more than 2 hours (we were approached to ask to speed up after 1.5 hrs) so they can get the table ready for the next round of reservation...

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