The Big Ebetsu Shop w Ebetsu

JaponiaThe Big Ebetsu Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒069-0813 Hokkaido, Ebetsu, Nopporochō, 10−1
kontakt telefon: +81 11-391-0330
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0950393, Longitude: 141.5254751

komentarze 5

  • 星夜旅人



    It's a cheap and easy-to-use store, but I started lining up at the end of the cashier line and waited 30 minutes to pass the register. It's a store with a long line.

  • 三浦未来



    Events for your tenant It's not always fun There were rumors that the office staff couldn't do their jobs properly. I heard you don't rent it. Even so, It's boring because it's all about cell phones and stuff. tenant there It looks like they'll even have to pay for the square water bill. I was surprised to hear that. There was a fortune telling event before. I would like to hold such an event.Funeral ceremonial occasions are bad luck. I want you to quit I want it to be a more fun space. I feel bad for the elderly At the supermarket, there is a 30 minute line at the checkout line. Please do something

  • K



    I go shopping 3-4 times a week. It's very helpful when you don't have much money. It's good because you can buy it for around 2000 yen. You can buy 3 bags for 4000 yen to 5000 yen. My son loves cream croquettes so I buy them here. It's 240 yen for 4 pieces, so it's good!Wednesday and Thursday are vegetables, fish, Meat and other things are cheap, which is helpful. You can also buy cakes for around 270 yen. Takoyaki, fried foods, and sushi are also cheap. Sweets are also cheap so it's good.

  • Yuichi Yoshikawa

    Yuichi Yoshikawa


    A shop that can be called my local supermarket. Some things are very cheap! In particular, fresh vegetables and processed foods are surprisingly cheap. I always get my pizza here. After all, pizza that costs over 200 yen at other restaurants costs 160 yen here! There is no problem with the selection of products, and you can find all the ingredients you need. The prices for items other than those advertised are pretty normal. I think it's a good store. I highly recommend it!

  • steve joss

    steve joss


    You can do all your shopping here.

najbliższy Supermarket

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