The Bank of Fukuoka Tokyo Branch w Chuo City

JaponiaThe Bank of Fukuoka Tokyo Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-8-7 Yaesu, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0028, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3242-6821
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.6765862, Longitude: 139.7679635

komentarze 5




    There was no cancellation procedure for making a reservation on the website, so I called and asked if I needed to make a reservation. There is also a statement on the website that if the seal is unknown, it will be verified, so when I informed the person who accepted the application, it was forwarded to the Tokyo branch. The male employee who responded did not know what was written on the website and decided to repeat the same content. They explained that I needed to make an appointment to visit the store to change my seal, and in the middle of the conversation, they hung up on me with a bang. I've been doing business with them for 40 years, but I'm glad I decided to cancel the contract because of the poor customer service. On the day of the procedure, the person working at the counter will instruct you to call here, and if you do so, there will be no need for the other party to call you. I was directed to call another number. Even though it's a paid call that takes 3 and a half minutes, when I told them the above, all they said was "Oh, sorry." I'm not sure if it was a flaw in the manual or an error on the part of the person in charge, but I wondered how a financial institution would respond by refusing to return my My Number card unless I asked for it.

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    We are currently operating from a temporary store. There are two ATMs located inside the store on the 1st and 9th floors. Going to the store is a little inconvenient because you have to take the elevator up to the third floor and then take the elevator in the elevator hall. Although there is no department for investment trusts, the bank employees were kind and helpful.

  • takumi kakubari

    takumi kakubari


    The only Tokyo branch. Although it was easy to use on the road, it was moved to the 9th floor of the station building next door. Since it is a temporary store due to redevelopment, I wonder if it will return to its original location in a few years. There is an ATM on the 1st floor, but there is only one machine in line. It's very unfortunate that there is no longer a transfer machine next to the ATM on the 1st floor.

  • sparklin gg

    sparklin gg


    The location had changed. Although it is not detailed, the counter is located in the building next door. Moreover, although there is nothing written on the poster, it is very difficult to tell that it is on the 9th floor. By the way, if you only need an ATM, there is one installed on the first floor of the building you are moving to.

  • Shrinivas Umarane

    Shrinivas Umarane


    I was using this bank account for last 3 years. I went to apply for credit card. They were preparing all my documents to apply for credit card. At last after 1 hour, they said credit card is only valid for permanent residence people or Japanese resident

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