Teuchiudon Menkobo Ube Honten w Ube

JaponiaTeuchiudon Menkobo Ube Honten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-13-20 Nishiubeminami, Ube, Yamaguchi 759-0208, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 836-44-0588
strona internetowej: www.menkoubou.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 33.9996808, Longitude: 131.2211142

komentarze 5

  • ćƒŖćƒ„ć‚¦ćƒÆ



    Visited on a heavy rainy day. When I arrived about 25 minutes before opening, it was the busiest place, but from then on, more and more customers started coming in, so it seems like it's a pretty popular store. A simple udon restaurant that doesn't have meat, fox, etc. I ordered hot kake udon. Added quail tempura, geso tempura, and mentaiko musubi as toppings. The soup stock of the udon noodles is delicious, and the noodles are also delicious. The tempura is delicious, but unfortunately it's cold. The rice balls were also cold and not very tasty. I used the toilet, but when I tried to get disinfectant alcohol for the toilet seat, it wouldn't come out... The reason it hasn't just opened is because it hasn't been used regularly... I had high expectations for this product as it received very high ratings, but the overall rating is only 3 stars.

  • Kubo Kouĵi

    Kubo Kouĵi


    Shisan Udon has also opened in Ube City, but many people are particular about their Sanuki udon. Although it was only used on Saturday, it was lively with young people and high school students. Please note that if you order two bowls of kamaage udon, it will be very heavy as it is a bowl.

  • K.



    Visited in August 2023. The parking lot is shared with surrounding stores, but there are about 20 spaces in front of the store. However, it does get quite crowded and the space is a bit small, so if you are worried about driving, you may want to take it a little further during lunch hours. This is a self-service restaurant, so first you enter the store, fill a glass with water, choose your udon noodles, and tell the person who is boiling the noodles. I ordered the usual bukkake hiyahiya. Choose your rice balls and tempura, place them on your plate, line up at the register, and pay. When it's finished, the udon will be ready, so take it and take a seat. As I always think, the legs of the tables in this restaurant are a bit in the way, so be careful not to trip over them. It's been a while since I've had it, but it tasted better than usual because it was boiled a little firmer to my liking. Thank you for the meal.

  • Keiko



    The noodles were chewy but soft and thin, the dashi was delicious, and the staff was also nice šŸ‘ It was just before closing time, so I was disappointed that the rice balls were sold out and there was no meat udon on the menu. However, even though it had cooled down over time, the fried food was crispy and delicious.

  • Kenyu Uehara

    Kenyu Uehara


    good Ł©( 'Ļ‰' )Łˆ

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