TERAS in Iwaki




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Japan, 〒973-8412 Fukushima, Iwaki, Heisei, 1-chōme−15−4
kontakte telefon: +81 246-45-2772
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.0404426, Longitude: 140.8832548

kommentare 5

  • Wakako



    I like hard bread, German bread, milk French bread, and I like going to new bakeries. This was the bakery I wanted to visit most in Iwaki. I went there just before closing time, so many items were sold out, but I bought chocolate scones, rye bread, croissants, etc. and reheated them at home. Everything was delicious. I also like that it has no additives. The shop uses a lot of wood and has a warm atmosphere, and the explanations of the bread written by the children were cute and heartwarming. The staff at the restaurant were smiling and told me things like, ``This tastes even better when sliced ​​and toasted.'' I will go again 🙂

  • Jean Deklerk

    Jean Deklerk


    5 stars for Teras' Rye Loaf, Walnut and Raisin Bread, Choc-chip Scones, and Tofu Scones. The textures are great. The bread firm with a chewy crust and moist slightly dense inside, using little salt, the scones perfect with sable-like crust and almost biscuity inner. Teras uses the same yeast starter used to make sake. Maybe that is the key ingredient, apart from the care they clearly take to make these delicious baked treasures.




    I went to the store looking for additive-free bread! A stylish home! ! I bought a lot because of the relaxing warmth of the wood, the delicious-looking bread, and the nice smell of coffee lol. The taste is also great! I actually want to go there very often, but be careful not to eat too much. Payment via PayPay is supported. If my family loves bread, I'll buy more, but I'll go buy it from time to time!

  • 桑折淳(桑折淳_個人用)



    This is a bakery located at the back of a residential area. This is a shop that makes carefully selected breads and scones using natural yeast and no margarine, shortening stabilizers, or preservatives. Whole grain bread is moist and heavy and seems to go well with flavorful ingredients such as fried eggs and tuna mayo. I really liked the crunchy texture and not-too-sweet taste of the chocolate scone. Anchovy potatoes are not too salty and you can enjoy the taste of potatoes. Rye Campagne is said to contain over 50% rye. Although it looks lumpy, it was toasted and crispy. The dough has a strong taste, so I think it's a bread that makes the best use of ingredients such as ham and cheese.

  • beluga



    I stopped by on my way back from Iwaki Yumoto Onsen. It seems like they are not doing eat-in service at the moment due to the coronavirus, so I had a sandwich and a drink on the outside terrace. Everything was really delicious, and the other breads I bought were also chewy and delicious. I'm visiting from outside the prefecture, so I can't go there often, but I've become such a fan that my family and I often talk about wanting to go again!

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