Terao Clinics w Himeji

JaponiaTerao Clinics



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-202 Shikamaku Kamae, Himeji, Hyogo 672-8071, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 79-243-0114
strona internetowej: teraoclinic.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.810044, Longitude: 134.660358

komentarze 5

  • machiko yoshida

    machiko yoshida


    While doing online medical treatment, I chose Terao Clinic. I entered through the app, and was contacted on time. The teacher will respond immediately. You can feel at ease knowing that they will listen carefully and in detail. In the end, I was allowed to decide for myself whether or not I needed to be tested. I ended up coming to the hospital and getting tested in the parking lot. The receptionist and nurses are not very friendly. It's neither good nor bad. Usually, this teacher lives far away, so this teacher Also, I think it would be helpful if I could take care of you through online medical treatment. thought.

  • あーあ



    He is a really good doctor, but if you have a fever or cold symptoms, you will have to wait in your car. However, the waiting time is unusual and can be over two hours...Even if you check the waiting number over the phone, you will not be addressed, and those who have not arrived by car will have to go home and wait.

  • ikuyoya “FUJIYAMA”

    ikuyoya “FUJIYAMA”


    My entire family has been taking care of me since the hospital opened. The teacher explains things very carefully. Many of the nurses are also very pleasant. Thank you for your help during the cold, flu, and coronavirus pandemic. He always treats me well. When it's crowded, the parking lot is full, so I try to go by bicycle. It would be helpful to have a hospital and doctor nearby that you can feel safe with.

  • yan kabo

    yan kabo


    The atmosphere is very nice with both the teachers and the reception staff. However, a nurse with long hair. When the patient is listening to the doctor, I can see you with your arms folded in front of you so that the patient can see you. It may be unconscious, but it gives off a very high-pressure impression.

  • けーえむ



    Out of consideration for the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, patients with fever or cold symptoms will be treated online rather than in person. I've been coming to Terao since it was built, and he's really friendly and extremely polite. It's great that each person is very attentive.

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