Tenmaya Happy's Wake store i Wake

JapanTenmaya Happy's Wake store



🕗 åbningstider

676 Kinugasa, Wake, Wake District, Okayama 709-0441, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 869-93-2411
internet side: www.tenmaya-store.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7958922, Longitude: 134.1591144

kommentar 5

  • *まる



    I often see an older man at the cash register who hands me change, which makes me feel uncomfortable. If you don't want to hand it over politely, there's also the coronavirus pandemic, so you could just put it on a tray like other stores do! I'm not saying you should be nice, but I got annoyed when I was treated like this and when people started making fun of me because I thought it was an acquaintance of mine who came up behind me. lol ~Postscript~ The staff here talk a lot of nonsense. If you run into someone you know, you'll be deep in conversation and ignore the customers waiting behind you. It's fine if I'm paying the bill, but I'm still talking even after the bill is finished. (She's not a young part-time worker, but an older woman.)

  • TOMよっちゃん



    Poor customer service attitude of store staff Customers come in like 5 seconds before closing. Especially stop the clerk named Kanemitsu.

  • 重年ひとみ



    The freshness of vegetables etc. is not very good. From morning to afternoon, the cashier's handling of the products is sloppy. If that person was there, I wouldn't want to line up at that cash register.

  • Taeko Kuma

    Taeko Kuma


    It's about 1km away from the station, which can be a bit inconvenient, but most people use cars. The parking lot is also quite spacious. The products on display are not particularly cheap, but they have a wide range of products.

  • どこにでもいるおっさん



    It's easy to get in and out of the flat parking lot. However, there are people entering and exiting from the opposite lane, so if you don't get the timing right, you might end up blocking traffic. I think it would be better if you had a point card. The selection is average, for better or worse. Vegetables, fruits, meat, beverages, alcohol, side dishes, sweets, bread, daily necessities, pet supplies...you can get most things. The nearby Aeon store is a large store, so it can get crowded at times, but this one might not be as crowded. Shopping is easy. You can buy Seven Premium sweets.

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