Tenmaya Happy's Shimonakano store in Okayama

JapanTenmaya Happy's Shimonakano store



🕗 öffnungszeiten

703-101 Shimonakano, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0973, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-800-1030
webseite: www.tenmaya-store.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.639124, Longitude: 133.8983561

kommentare 5

  • 坂田信吾



    I feel like the store clerk is generally gloomy.

  • 谷真輔



    It's a supermarket near my house. The store is also fully stocked. other! ️There are banks🏧, delivery boxes, etc. I'm having a very comfortable time! everyone Please feel free to come by!! ️

  • miki miyaji

    miki miyaji


    It's just the right size and I use it from time to time. There are many types of electronic money such as ID and d payment, as well as barcode payments, which is helpful. It's always comfortable because there's no waiting time at the cash register.

  • Kyouichi Tsukamura

    Kyouichi Tsukamura


    2022/5/8 I wonder if Seven's products are cheaper. Even though we know that products that are not available at convenience stores, such as 9% chuhai and cup noodles, are not good for our bodies, we are still tempted by them. I don't go often, but my wife does occasionally. For kids, when pomelo is delicious, Happy's is delicious! So, I just went to buy pomelo. I thought it was produced in Kochi Prefecture anyway, but I guess that's not the case. It's about twice as expensive as other supermarkets... I think children simply think that the more expensive the food, the better it tastes, or the more expensive it is. However, I think the tongue is probably more sensitive than that of an adult, so I wonder if the sourness or sweetness was suitable for children. I would like to grow pomelo in the future.

  • You-shin



    I always use it after 20:30-21:00 after returning from work. It's a shame that there are almost no side dishes around that time, but I'm not confident in my ability to judge the freshness of other vegetables, fresh fish, and meat, but there are plenty of beautiful ingredients.

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