Tenmaya Happy Town Kōnan Store en Okayama

JapónTenmaya Happy Town Kōnan Store



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-18-5 Chikkōshinmachi, Minami Ward, Okayama, 702-8056, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-264-6111
sitio web: www.tenmaya-store.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6041554, Longitude: 133.941148

comentarios 5

  • とりかわささみ



    I ate the chicken tartare nanban with lots of toppings at the supermarket as it was recommended, but it was too fried and the surface was so tough that I couldn't chew it. The rice balls were not tasty either. disappointing. I think fresh foods such as meat, fish, and vegetables are good.

  • ともとも



    This is my first time here, but you have to drive on the right to get to the rooftop parking lot. I think this is because the road leading into the parking lot is one-way. Also, the exit If you don't look at the signs carefully, the police will be there! You can only exit diagonally straight! It's hard to see the sign due to the trees, but there are direction arrows on the road as well. Many people overlook it because they drive on the right and act differently than usual. to the police You will be able to take credit, so Everyone please be really careful According to the police, since Tenmaya was opened. It seems to come as a way of passing.

  • k y (ichi)

    k y (ichi)


    Visited the store in the morning in early July 2023. I thought about using a certain bank's ATM, but it said it was a "branch office" and they were all set up in a secluded area, so I gave up. The long line was probably at a major bank's ATM. I was planning to use another bank's ATM, but in this day and age, I don't think I would go to a crowded place and use it. (I wasn't in a hurry.) If it's a major bank, the nearest branch seems to be nearby...? By the way, the Happy Town card comes with Rakuten Edy, so is there a Rakuten Edy charging machine or a red Rakuten Edy receiving machine? They were placed all over the store and seemed quite convenient.

  • YM Death

    YM Death


    We ordered Sashimi for Temaki Sushi some times and always great value and good amount!

  • ISoちゃん



    A new parking lot has been created. It seems like there will be an event 🎵 It's Christmas inside the store✨🎄✨

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