
🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒550-0005 Osaka, Nishi Ward, Nishihonmachi, 2-chōme−4−19 グランドメゾン靭
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6531-2632
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6825859, Longitude: 135.4903734

komentarze 5

  • ハリ



    Lunch quality is high. It's a set meal that changes daily, but I was surprised by the variety of items. Moreover, you can eat it for 680 yen, so I was surprised at the price. The taste is elaborate, and the cost performance is great. The content changes daily so you won't get bored. It's a store you'll want to visit every day. The lunch menu only includes daily set meals, but the service is fast. Therefore, it is good to be able to use it even during busy lunch hours. I'm looking forward to the daily specials as they are carefully thought out to suit the season and content.

  • e



    Fried rice & boiled gyoza set ¥800 The taste is normal. The soup that came with it wasn't very tasty💦It's a restaurant that is difficult for women to enter, but since there were two women making the dishes, I felt at ease once I entered. Atmosphere that it will be crowded from 12:00 on weekdays!! ️

  • ムーン係長



    A creative restaurant with impressive counter seating. The food is reasonably priced and plentiful. The customer service was a young man and he was curt, but I didn't think he was unfriendly. The open counter seats are very comfortable.

  • 中村誠司



    It was a casual izakaya where you can have fun at a cheap price. The staff was a little inconsiderate, but it was okay because it was reasonably priced. When it comes to seasoning, tastes vary, but coarsely ground Wiener is recommended.

  • cocccoo tatatataa

    cocccoo tatatataa


    I slipped in around 10:30pm, so it was close to the last order, and there were many things I ordered that weren't available. The creator was kind and said he was sorry that there was nothing wrong with it. The beer felt lukewarm probably because the glass wasn't cold🥲 Salads were also sold out. I also ordered pasta, and although it was good without cream sauce, I could tell that they had put in a lot of effort to use plenty of ingredients that I don't know about on the menu, so I was full and alone. I'm glad I was able to enjoy it for just 3,000 yen. If you don't go a little earlier, the food you want to eat might be sold out 💦 We recommend that you arrive early. It seemed like there were a lot of groups using it. I was like, ``I wonder if I'll go again?'' If there's someone who wants to go, I'll go.

najbliższy Restauracja

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