Teiken Boxing Gym en Shinjuku-ku

JapónTeiken Boxing Gym



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒162-0825 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Kagurazaka, 2 Chome−10 カグラヒルズ 5F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3269-6667
sitio web: www.teiken.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.70086, Longitude: 139.742301

comentarios 5

  • ja

    JUN BB



  • Alexander Diana

    Alexander Diana


    I had high hopes going into training at this gym but was bitterly disappointed with the lack of professionalism. I left here feeling like I was only allowed to train so they could rape me of my money. They were not open on Sunday and didn’t tell me. They were not open the following day for a promotional event and did not tell me, even though I expressly said I would be training there only for 1 week. So I lost 3 out of my 6 days. Also it clearly felt like they did not want me there. If you’re looking to further yourself as a boxer just watch their videos on Instagram. Oh wait, they don’t have an official page. This gym epitomizes what is wrong with the Boxing industry, a complete and utter lack of business acumen and competence. As an avid fan of Boxing I was left very very very unsatisfied.

  • ja




  • Mid. 1113

    Mid. 1113


  • ボノボ




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