Tateyama Kokusai Hotel i Toyama

JapanTateyama Kokusai Hotel



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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45 Hara, Toyama, 930-1454, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-481-1111
internet side: www.tatekoku.com
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Latitude: 36.578145, Longitude: 137.415898

kommentar 5

  • Deborah Petlueng

    Deborah Petlueng


    One staff member spoke some English and was helpful. As we were not on a group tour no dinner was available for us. Luckily we asked about this when they picked us up from the train station and so went to the convenience store to get instant noodles etc. Was not what we wanted. The hotel is very big but run down and isolated. Onsen is pleasant. Other than that I’d rather stay in Toyama and get early morning train.

  • Sem Moreno

    Sem Moreno


    This hotel is big! But the thing that I don’t like with this hotel is that they don’t have a ramp for people carrying a luggage. Since the hotel has many wings, the struggle for me is that I need to carry my luggage to the stairs instead of just pulling it if ramps are present.

  • YC Khong

    YC Khong


    Very good location. Only 10 minutes to Tateyama Kurobe Alpen Route station. Spacious and clean rooms. Onsen area is great with ample bathing space and sauna is available too. There are a few gym equipment, massage chairs, table tennis, children's play area etc available for guests to use freely. Food not bad. Quiet area. No shops nearby though. Souvenirs are sold here too. Free WiFi

  • Apichaya Kijvit

    Apichaya Kijvit


    Best location just 5 min drive to Tateyama station which the hotel provides shuttle bus service to and from. Very helpful staff, especially Mr. Ken. Room is clean, great traditional Japanese dinner set. The public onsen is pretty nice. You can see the mountain view from the window while soaking in the hot bath! Will come back again for sure!

  • Terry Bates

    Terry Bates


    Excellent stay. Attentive staff. Stayed half board for 4 nights. Buffet breakfast. Breakfast you could pick out western items if you wished, dinner always Japanese the usual set meal that you get at these type of onson hotels if it's not a buffet. Really excellent. WiFi free and covers the whole hotel. We had a Western / Japanese room which was split into two, Japanese tatami mat / tv / tea room area and a bedroom with western beds. The laundry is 100 yen but they have no drier but includes a packet of washing powder. Out of season you don't really need to take the hotel bus to the station due to crowding in town, you can drive so we did.

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