Tapas en Saitama




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒330-0846 Saitama, Omiya Ward, Daimonchō, 2-chōme−109 大越ビル 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 48-644-5500
sitio web: tabelog.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.9065232, Longitude: 139.628065

comentarios 5

  • Tadashi Shirasu

    Tadashi Shirasu


    Just before 1:00 p.m. on a weekday, I braved the violent smell of soup from the neighboring Daishoken restaurant and visited this restaurant. Although it is a little far from the station, it seems to be a thriving store. I ordered pescatore with plenty of seafood and bread. First of all, there were plenty of lunch salads, which made me very happy. I was able to enjoy it till the end without feeling like there was too much dressing. The pescatore was literally full of seafood, and although the thin pasta felt a little soft, it was served piping hot and the sauce was just right, not too thick or too thin. And to my great surprise, the yuzu sorbet for dessert was absolutely delicious. It completely cleansed my mouth. To be honest, the tea was weak, but it was so delicious that I forgot about that. Pescatore is a bit pricey at 1,260 yen, but I think regular pasta is a good value for money. SUICA payment is not possible.

  • samurai suzu

    samurai suzu


    The place had a great atmosphere and the food was delicious.

  • あい



    Always a rich pasta menu🍝 The lunches, which cost around 900 to 1000 yen and include pasta, salad, drink, and dolce, are all very delicious! The dressing on the green salad that comes with lunch is simple but so delicious that you'll want to eat it every day. Today's daily special is pasta with shiso leaves and tuna in tomato sauce🍝 The scent of perilla leaves was refreshing, and I enjoyed everything, including the sauce.

  • love lily2018

    love lily2018


    Everything was delicious. The atmosphere is very stylish, The inside of the store felt very cozy with the warmth of wood. I especially recommend the quiche. Fluffy on the inside and fragrant on the outside, this is a must-try! The pork in the meat platter was especially delicious. The potatoes are crispy and warm inside. I was debating between carbonara and tomato sauce pasta, but since I usually use tomato sauce, I made the right choice with carbonara! Anyway, it's rich. The bacon was also thick and filling. The dessert plate is 500 yen for 3 items, thank you very much! Good cost performance, good location! It can be used in various scenes.

  • M M

    M M


    Visit for lunch The first plate of salad that came out was empty when the pasta was served, but they didn't take it away. Ah, I thought you were the type who wouldn't let me down. For some reason, I was halfway through eating the pasta, so I asked if it would be okay if I put it in the pigtails. I was told. It's not like I took the time to eat it. In fact, I was able to leave faster than the person in front of me. The store is still crowded, but the place is still about 60% full. I did touch my phone at that moment, but my mouth was still munching from eating. No, I was actually fidgeting, so I put down the cutlery and touched my smartphone. "picture? ...what? (Have you ever heard of pasta sagar...? lol) I was surprised that he wasn't checking on me. After this incident, I looked back at past reviews, but was the response from the male store clerk the same? Overall, I don't think the customer service is that great. . . On the same day, a customer nearby complained that something was salty (I don't know what kind of food it was). Admittedly, that day, I was surprised to find that the salad dressing was extremely salty. I'm a little disappointed because I wanted to continue going there.

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