炭火煎珈琲と紅茶の店 KUNUGI i Miyazaki

Japan炭火煎珈琲と紅茶の店 KUNUGI


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3-chōme-4-20 Tachibanadōrihigashi, Miyazaki, 880-0805, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 985-27-5565
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 31.9157596, Longitude: 131.4238577

kommentar 5

  • run



    It's on the 3rd floor of the building. It's a very soothing space, and if you ask, you can brew your coffee in your favorite cup or glass! KUNUGI salad and hot sandwich are recommended! !

  • まさみ



    It seems like there are a lot of regulars, so it's easy to go even if you're alone 😺 The bread is homemade by the owner. The enzyme drink was really delicious ❤ I want to try the cake next time too.

  • Chihliang Lee

    Chihliang Lee


    The atmosphere inside the store is great. The price is not expensive and the coffee tastes good.

  • kuu ne

    kuu ne


    Salad lunch is full of volume ♡ It has a nice atmosphere and you can relax by yourself.

  • いくみ



    The scones I ate from a high place while looking at a view that I don't usually get to see were delicious. It was a relaxing atmosphere.

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