Tanakaya en Toshima-ku




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒171-0031 Tōkyō-to, Toshima-ku, Mejiro, 3 Chome−4−14 田中屋ビル 地下
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3953-8888
sitio web: tanakaya.cognacfan.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7216761, Longitude: 139.7062145

comentarios 5

  • Krishna Pterofractal Sivaranjan

    Krishna Pterofractal Sivaranjan


    I spent over an hour here just reading all the different whiskeys and liquors they had. This store is quite big. Sadly no Japanese whiskies but their scotch selection was quite big. The prices all looked pretty reasonable from what I could see. Neither expensive nor cheap just well priced and a huge selection.

  • Yasuhiro MINO

    Yasuhiro MINO


    Well known by bartenders of its maniac & wide variety of liquors here, such as whiskey, spirits and wines. Also have craft beers, fortified Port/Marsara/Sherry, Japanese sake and shochu. But please don't expect Japanese local whiskeys.

  • en

    John Holbert


    arguably the best mom and pop liquor store in tokyo. ridiculous selection of rare and unusual liquors as well as wide and varied selection of beers. also has a signed portrait of jodie foster near the register, so top marks

  • en

    Jaturong Mahaisavariya


    no word to describe this place , such a great place for beer geek (also alcohol). only 30 seconds walk from Mejiro station. Cant miss this place for any reason. must come !!!

  • M. Douglas

    M. Douglas


    For me, this is the best liquor store in Tokyo. No matter where you live in the city, it's worth the trip to this place to get good stuff. The beer collection is pretty nice. It's hard to go there and not spend money. Bring a fat wallet because you won't be able to resist buying all the beers they have.

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