Tamade Supermarket - Senrin in Moriguchi

JapanTamade Supermarket - Senrin



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-6-7 Takii Nishimachi, Moriguchi, Osaka 570-0076, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 6-6996-9990
webseite: www.supertamade.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.725391, Longitude: 135.555052

kommentare 5

  • Air



    I went there with high expectations because I had the image of a discount supermarket, but the prices were normal. The only thing that stands out is the one yen sale. It would be better to go to Sandy or Gyomu Super by bicycle. The only advantage is that it's open until late.

  • 森本一志(クズカズ)



    It used to be open 24 hours a day, but unfortunately the business hours have been shortened due to the coronavirus. The uncle who is often at the cash register (late at night) is courteous and likable, and is very nice among Super Tamade. (Other than the old man, there are people with bad customer service. When I asked about au pay, the old lady seemed to be bothered and gave no explanation.) When I go shopping, I bring a Super Tamade shopping bag. There is no parking lot, but there is plenty of space for bicycles, motorcycles, etc. You can also use au pay. There are no toilets here. Unfortunately, the 4% discount has been changed to 3%. After 9pm, bento boxes, side dishes, etc. have been reduced from 4% discount to 3% discount. It is unknown when. (March 7, 2020) In the afternoon, lunch boxes and side dishes from 9pm are 20% off. Are you in that much trouble? There are rumors that only exist in Nishinari Ward, so here too. Is it dangerous? I don't know. In the future, I will probably buy fewer bento boxes. Other supermarkets have half the price. (October 17, 2020) Only sushi was back at 30% off. It gets damaged quickly. Other bento side dishes are 20% off, and if you leave them until the next morning, it's half price. (October 20, 2020)

  • Epan Lim

    Epan Lim


    The ice cream has discount でも、they don't tell u

  • Wenny Astuti Rachman

    Wenny Astuti Rachman


    24/7 supermarket near from my apartment. Live in japan could be cheap if you cook, hahaha.

  • Dendy Wibisono

    Dendy Wibisono


    This supermarket is located near Sembayashi Shopping street. It is licated in a very cozy japan neighborhood. Not too far from the place we rented at Space Osaka. They sell many products.

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