Tamade Supermarket - Imaike i Osaka

JapanTamade Supermarket - Imaike



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2-chōme-3-7 Taishi, Nishinari Ward, Osaka, 557-0002, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6647-6333
internet side: www.supertamade.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6457744, Longitude: 135.5038479

kommentar 5

  • Yuuki L

    Yuuki L


    The foreign staff was doing something fishy with the credit card reading machine—theres only one queue for those with cards. It was reading fine when I was there my last grocery stop but this time she kept hitting buttons and pretended it was pending but it wasn’t even reading. Bring cash instead, unless you are certain it’s a local citizen at the register.

  • Dexter Wooten

    Dexter Wooten


    Of all of the Tamade supermarkets, this one is my favorite. The location is arguably the best. It seems to have the biggest and best selections. One of the registers will take a card instead of only cash as some other Tamade supermarkets demand. I did almost all of my grocery shopping here while I was living in the area. Just keep in mind that you're going into a budget store and it won't be as neat and tidy as other major supermarkets. A small handful of the staff members even speak some English.

  • J me

    J me


    This supermarket chain has a decent variety. This is the second location. I went to, but was quite disappointed with how I was treated here. Most of the staff was friendly, but the elderly man and possibly a woman manager got very aggressive about carrying a basket. I did not realize I was going to pick up some many items so I used my own tote bag. When I was about to check out, they insisted that I take everything out and put it in a basket. I have never experienced any behavior as such in Japan. I tried to respect local practices, but I kept indicating I was ready to pay by pointing at the register 10 feet away. They wouldn’t stop and kept going on and on until I just started walking to the register. If I spoke Japanese, I would definitely have asked to speak to management. I won’t be doing my grocery shopping here anymore. Cash only

  • Yan



    Lots of cheap fruits and veges, and ready cooked foods here.

  • Jenny Poon

    Jenny Poon


    Pretty cheap grocery store and a great place to grab snacks! We were living close to one during our stay in Japan. The ones I’ve seen are open 24 hours which makes it very convenient for us to grab some groceries.

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