Takumi Dental Clinic en Koriyama

JapónTakumi Dental Clinic


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Maekita-40 喜久田町字 Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0552, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 24-954-7988
sitio web: www.takumishika.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.4304161, Longitude: 140.3547973

comentarios 5

  • 匿名あ



    The treatment will be painless as it will be anesthetized! Although the doctor speaks quickly, he kindly explains things, and the dental hygienist is also very kind!

  • うどんこ



    I suddenly developed an unbearable pain in my tooth, and when I called the doctor in a hurry and asked if he could see me, I was told that he would only provide emergency treatment in between patient appointments, and that he understood the inconvenience. I rushed in. The inflammation was so bad that I couldn't bear the pain, so it was over at a certain point, but the patient treated me with such thoroughness that I couldn't believe it was just an emergency treatment, and the pain subsided considerably. I can't help but dislike dentists, but the doctor and all the staff here talked to me frequently and proceeded with the treatment without any difficulty, so I was able to do my best. I will have to go back again, but I plan to continue receiving treatment here.

  • ぐまさん



    very easy to understand explanation The teachers and staff are also kind. This time, I had to force myself to see him, but he treated me kindly. I have nothing but gratitude

  • ぴかちゅう



    A long time ago, my child and I went to see him, but he was unfriendly and gave me a random medical examination, so I won't go there again. When my child was in pain and went to see a doctor, the doctor said that my child's tooth was about to fall out. However, the pain was so bad that I took her to another dentist the same day and was told that it had become infected. I will never go here again!

  • chikako w

    chikako w


    They check the direction of treatment properly and provide careful and gentle treatment! My children also go to this dentist without fear.

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