Takashika Shoni Dental Clinic w Inazawa

JaponiaTakashika Shoni Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-65 Ōtsukaminami, Inazawa, Aichi 492-8214, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 587-22-3301
strona internetowej: www.takashika.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.2403751, Longitude: 136.7969206

komentarze 5

  • h m

    h m


    I've been to many different dentists, but the dentist's skills are outstanding. The mother at the reception was also scary at first, but after going there a few times, she became friendly and I was able to talk to her. It is cleaned and kept clean on a regular basis. thank you

  • ゆーちん。



    I went to see the doctor because I was close to having a bad cavity, but it took 2 hours to extract the tooth, and after the treatment I was in so much pain that I couldn't even eat properly. When I went to another dentist, I found out that the gums had been scraped down so much that the bone was exposed, and I was told that the tooth that had been removed was still there, and it had festered and become a mess, and it had spread to the entire left cheek, and it was in a terrible condition. I was told that. I ended up having to have my gums sewn back together, and I'll never go through something this bad again.

  • i. tommy

    i. tommy


    The elderly person at the reception was the worst kind of person. The air conditioning was working so hard I thought I was going to die. No matter what I say, it won't raise the temperature. I will never do it again before going to the doctor.

  • シルク



    I had never been able to go to the dentist because I was afraid of going to the dentist, but I went to this dentist on my mother's recommendation. The waiting area and treatment room are very bright. The doctor gave a thorough explanation and even talked about things like periodontal disease and teeth grinding, which I had never heard of at my previous dentist. He also showed me before and after treatment with a camera, which changed my impression of dentists. All the staff were kind and there was a good atmosphere. I wish I had seen this sooner.

  • fuyumi m

    fuyumi m


    Anyway, the elderly receptionist is the worst. It's a shame because my daughter, who hates dentists, was able to go here for the first time without crying because the doctors here were kind and she didn't feel any pain. The filling I received here was inflamed and painful, so I asked if I could have it looked at without an appointment, but they were fully booked and I couldn't see it, so the receptionist asked me if I had to wait until my next appointment or go elsewhere. Please hit it. So I had no choice but to see another dentist for the inflamed area, but when I called here today to make an appointment, the elderly woman at the reception desk hung up on me. , it's a problem if you have to carry it from place to place. I'm not asking anyone else to win. He didn't even listen to me and yelled at me one-sidedly. I can't take my daughter to a place like this any longer. It's a shame because the teachers and staff are really nice people.

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