タカノ歯科クリニック i Kita City




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Japan, 〒114-0002 Tokyo, Kita City, Ōji, 5-chōme−18−2 ボヌール王子 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3912-4618
internet side: www.takano-dental.jp
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Latitude: 35.7657448, Longitude: 139.7363769

kommentar 5

  • Masae



    I had previously experienced that this dentist was not good. My child had a chipped tooth, so I took him there! The cleaning started, and there was nothing left to do! When I asked about the treatment plan, he sent me to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned, then canceled my appointment, went to another dentist, and got it fixed in one visit. The other day, my gums were swollen and the only dentist in my neighborhood was closed, so I went there! As expected, I let the rabbit do the cleaning. What's more, the female doctor's explanation sounded like she was being looked down upon, and she took 3,000 yen from me. The receipt was different from the ones you usually get from medical institutions, and it didn't have any details! When I asked about it, I was told that the amount was legal and that the receipt was official. I will never go there again!

  • 浜元早苗



    2023/9/9 I went for cleaning. Without having to wait, I was talking about the usual hygienist treatment and care for gums and houseworms. At the treatment center one room away, I asked the assistant to be quiet. I was warned not to speak loudly. The reason for the caution is that Dr. Takano is administering anesthesia. Anesthesia treatment doesn't mean someone (the patient) is chatting with the hygienist, they're talking about their gums, but they're being warned that they're too noisy. It's so different from the dentist I've been to before, it's scary. If you are working or training at a university hospital. Even though the treatment room at the university hospital was so crowded, I was worried that the doctor was okay. I don't want people who can't be given anesthesia if there's a noise to have a tooth extracted. When administering anesthesia, I felt like an ordinary dentist, and after being warned, I gave a lecture to the patient about how to administer the anesthesia, but I didn't watch the patient's breathing, and my treatment was pre-emptive. I guess he's not a doctor, just someone with medical skills. It's not as good as the university hospital, my family's dentist, and the dentists I've worked with in the past. Anesthesia is not very good, procedures take a long time, and people don't talk when I leave them at home. If I'm going to spend money, I think I'll look elsewhere.

  • はなはな



    I go there all the time. I'm glad he was a very kind teacher. I'm sure my technique is good, so please let me know if you need anything else.

  • Y A

    Y A


    ★He's a terrible dentist who doesn't even have one. I had the nerve removed, and a year later, I went to another dentist and was told that the tip of the metal instrument used to remove the nerve was still in the area where the nerve was removed. If you treat it here, it will be terrible, so it's better to stop.

  • ぺこちゃん



    Since the first visit was sudden, I did not receive a diagnosis from the doctor, but instead received a simple cleaning for 4,000 yen. At the counter, the doctor will talk to you during your next consultation. I was told this and went to the outpatient clinic for the second time. After a quick check of my mouth, I spent an hour listening to the doctor's opinion on the coronavirus for some reason. Charged 4000 yen again. When I gave the lecture without receiving a receipt with my score, I learned that the printer was broken. The way you do it is too condescending. I will never go there again.

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