Takamatsu Kyodo Hospital w Takamatsu

JaponiaTakamatsu Kyodo Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4664 Kitachō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0080, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 87-833-2330
strona internetowej: t-kyodo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3232512, Longitude: 134.085654

komentarze 5

  • こんにちわー



    This is a rehabilitation hospital. If you want to rehabilitate and improve the movement of your hands, feet, mouth, etc., this is definitely the place. They will follow you regardless of weekends or holidays. Isn't it better to have fun? If you have a naive feeling, I cannot recommend it.

  • 高川和博



    It might be better for patients who are really sick, such as those with fever, to not go. Even though I went to the doctor with a fever of 38℃ and a swollen throat, he stood in front of the entrance with his hands tied behind his back, and without looking at the back of his throat, he said, ``I'll give you some fever-reducing medicine.'' When I said, ``I gave you antibiotics when your throat swelled before,'' she replied, ``Well, I'll give you some antibiotics just in case.'' Is this a diagnosis? In the end, I was so anxious that I went to the hospital. Is it a hospital exclusively for the elderly? If so, please write it down.

  • やまかわみねこ



    I would like to thank you for taking great care of my elderly mother, just like last year. I've received many compliments on the reviews from various people, but I'm a little disappointed as there are also some reviews from people who don't appreciate them, but for me, there were good nurses and I was able to take my mother to the hospital with peace of mind. ^-^)v

  • 山原健太



    To be honest, I don't know the current state or situation. So this review is completely unhelpful. If you want to know the latest situation, please refer to other people's comments. I started going there right after it was established about 15 years ago. At that time, I had hit my head in a traffic accident and was aware that I was crazy, but I didn't know how crazy I was, so I wanted to know just how stupid I was. When I was in the hospital, a Communist Party member in my neighborhood introduced me to this hospital, and I started going there mainly for rehabilitation. So I consulted my doctor at the time, and he asked me to send him my diary and information about the hospital I was hospitalized at before I was transferred.I asked the hospital I was transferred to to write me a letter of introduction again, and to copy a set of medical records. I got it and had it sent to me. They quickly analyzed the results and diagnosed it as diffuse axonal damage.The previous hospital did not certify me as having a mental disorder due to a traffic accident, but this hospital proved that I had an organic mental disorder. I got it. This hospital diagnosed me with a higher brain dysfunction because I was extremely lacking or abnormal in some of my abilities. After this, with the help of other hospitals, we were able to completely prove that he had a higher brain dysfunction, and it took 10 years to finally reach a settlement for the traffic accident. I am grateful to this hospital for giving me the opportunity to do so. All the teachers who watched over me have now retired and there's not one left, but since I'm back in Takamatsu, I wanted to take this opportunity to write a thank you note.

  • 中村英樹



    Currently hospitalized. The response, thoughtfulness, and consideration of the doctors, nurses, rehabilitation staff, caregivers, and all the staff are very good 🎵 The atmosphere and space are wonderful 🎵👍😊 Everyone had a sense of professionalism and I felt like we were a group of specialists. Recovery is fast 🎵 (lol) I was safely discharged from the hospital on March 25th 🎵 Outpatient rehabilitation. The reason I was able to recover this far is because of the hard work I put in together with the staff 🎵👍😊

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