Takamarusengyoten Sebunpakuariokashiwaten in Kashiwa

JapanTakamarusengyoten Sebunpakuariokashiwaten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒277-0922 Chiba, Kashiwa, Ōshimata, 1-chōme−6−1 1階 セブンパークアリオ柏店
kontakte telefon: +81 4-7157-2112
webseite: www.takamaru-inc.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.8336091, Longitude: 140.0121511

kommentare 5

  • Omokawa Masaki

    Omokawa Masaki


    I visited on April 27th, 2024GW. The store opens at 11:00. I got in line at 10:55 and was seated at 11:50. 2nd round Yakiaka and Yakimonogatari are 3366 yen. The meal was served in about 10 minutes. Free refills of rice and miso soup. You can return your meal to the return shelf by yourself. The amount of fish is amazing, but the rice is not tasty.

  • カズくんのパパ



    Today I came to Seven Park Ario with the intention of buying ingredients for hand-rolled sushi, and stopped by this fresh fish shop. This restaurant has a cafeteria that serves menus using the fresh fish they have on hand, and I knew that it was very popular, but the items sold in the store were also worth mentioning. One is shellfish. Raw oysters and abalone, as well as red clams and surf clams, are lined up with some of them still alive, and if you ask, they will cut them for you on the spot. I think the price is also reasonable. The second one is a bento box. There are so many kinds of bento boxes using seafood, and they are very cheap considering the quality of the contents. There are also side dishes, side dishes made with seafood, and snacks, so you won't get bored just looking at them. This time I went at lunchtime, which may have been the time when they had a particularly wide variety of products. Recommended for those who like seafood.

  • Abu Enam Talukder

    Abu Enam Talukder



  • Arun Tewathia

    Arun Tewathia


    Multiple options including Indian, Chinese, Japanese and McD

  • Kamran Nadim

    Kamran Nadim


    Best Sea food

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